
Sunday, August 12, 2012

RE ACT OF 2008

                                                  RENEWABLE ENERGY ACT OF 2008
By: Dan-Can Madiclum

A years ago renewable energy resources is use for our daily life. It is one of the energy that one very useful and benefited. A years ago renewable energy resources is energy that comes from sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat or from natural resources or naturally replenished. almost 16% of final global energy consumption are comes from renewable energy resources with a 10%  that coming from traditional biomass that is mainly used to heating and 3.4% for hydroelectricity. And the other ones is new renewable, the small hydro modern biomass, geothermal, solar and bio-fuels that are accounted another 3% of growing rapidly.

Last 2008 the Philippine government made an republic act of renewable energy resources to accelerate the explorational developments of renewable energy  self reliance. This is to reduce the Philippines country dependence on terms on fossil fuels to minimize the Philippine country's exposure to price fluctuations adaptation of clean energy for able to mitigate climate change. The other one is to increases the utilization of earths renewable energy. By providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives. By the 10 years renewable energy resources also based by capacity by 100%  within the next 2009 to 2020. This renewable energy resources republic act of 2008 encourage the development or changes and utilization of renewable energy resources as the tools to reduce the harmful emissions and the thereby balance the goals of Philippines .economic growth and development with the protection in health and the environment. Renewable energy resources will establish the necessary mechanism or infrastructure to carry out mandates to specified in this act or the other existing countries law. And this act be shall establish the framework to accelerate  the advancement and development of renewable energy resources, and develop the strategist program to increases its utilization.

This Philippine Republic Act Of Renewable Energy mission to be the most wind energy producer in the south east Asia by additional 515 MW. To increases the non power contribution of renewable resources to the energy mixby 10 MMBFOE in the next 10 years. Another is to be most geothermal energy  world producer by additional 11070 MW. To double hydro by 2018 by additional 3,400 MW. To expand the contribution of solar by additional 120 MW and biomass by addional 200 MW.

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