
Friday, July 27, 2012

Boon or Bane
By:Ma Leeyan Dasmarinas

      Did you know that renewable energy is an energy which comes from our natural resources. Air, wind, fire and water are the main example of renewable energy that may of us get benefits on it. But did you know that someof us doesn’t know what it is, some of us doesn’t know how it is important and some of us doesn’t know how to handle and use it properly.
       There so many advantages and disadvantages of renewablw energy that we must follow in order to get rid of this. But disadvantages and advantages of renewable energy is hard o explain, tell, and show it is because of people who doesn’t know of this, doesn’t how to give importance and give praiority of the renewable energy.
       One of the major advantage of renewable energy is that renewable energy is sustainable and will never run out. We can use them as much as we can, as long as we require, and as long as we want and need with no tension or worry at all.since all of them are naturally source we can use it as far as nature permits us till the time we need, so we will always have them. Since they are naturally sourced they will mix up with the nature automatically without affecting anyting. Does renewable energy harmed to the environment? No!! because unlike regular energy sourced they do not spread out green house affect or harmed the green house effect that wiil led to any disasters. Renewable energy sources consist of solar, wind geothermal, and ocean biomass. The advantage of this is that they are renewable and connot depleted. They are cleaned energy they don’t poolute the air and don’t contribute to global warming, green house effect and other calamities may happen. And more importantly . renewable energy produces little or small amount of waste procucts sush as carbon dioxide or other chemical pollutants and has minimal impact or the environment. Renewable energy can also ring economic local employment or tourism that many people benefits on this. This can help the community or country attain sustainability, slowly and tradional generators. These sources need sun, rainfull, and wind to be fully potencial and in case they are not available the sources cannot work on. The earth stock of contemporary energy sources is narrowing everyday. One example is when you are driving newly built cars or motors improved by tecnologies we are also consuming our last share of fuels. Base on my research our earth may have only half of century of oil left it is the existing rate of consumption ais calculated. It is easy to recognized the environmental advantages and renewable energy but we must also be aware of what happen if we ignore the disadvantages of this
         One of the main disadvantages of renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate  the quantities of the electicity that are as large as those produced by traditional generators. This has prevented to higher penetration of clean energy compared to non-renewable sources of energy and base on my research the disadvantages of renewable energy may be vanished someday and  it will be free to use our renewale energy

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