
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Renewable energy vs. Non-renewable energy
By: Yella Marie Abiva
   When we talk about renewable energy it is the energy that comes from wind, tides, sunlight, geothermal and rain. What about non-renewable energy and what is the use of these energy? That’s the question that enters my mind. So let’s find out what is it.
    The renewable energy is the energy which are renewable or naturally replenished. It is about 16%  global energy consumption comes from renewable. New renewable are accounted for another 3%and are growing rapidl. Many renewable ere large scale, renewable 0technologies also suited in rural and renote areas, where energy is ancial in human development. The united nations secretary-general Ki-Moon said that the renewable energy has the ability to lift a poorest nations to a new level of prosperity. We use electicity in our daily work. W cook food, we ioning our clothes. The electicity is one example of renewable energy. It is more-efficient in our lives because it can make our work easier and more faster
     The non-renewable energy which are not used by sunlight, rain or geothermal. Example of the non-renewable resources a resources connot be generated, reproduce or use in scale. The example of non renewable resources are fossil fuel, nuclear power, nuclear fuel, radioactive and metals. Metals is the prime example of non-renewable resources. Fossil fuels a natural resources like coal petroleum and natural gas. Nuclear power or uraniumis used for production of the nuclear weapon to create electricity.
     Nuclear fuel produces carbon dioxide emissions to production and construction. Nuclear decommissioning and management of the nuclear wants these action can produce carbon emission contributing significantly to the global warming.
      The nuclear fuel and radioactive is used for the nuclear industry to collecta highly hazardous to the people and wild life.
      The renewable energy and non renewable energy are beneficial to us. The 2 energy can help us to our daily lives and to our work. It can help us also to our environment if we take care and use it in a nice way so that we can save energy.
   So be alive, alert, awakeand enthusiastics to save energy.

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