
Friday, July 27, 2012

Replacement for Non-Renewable energy
By:Danilo Villaruz
Over the last three years publicly traded alternativeenergy have been very rolatile with some 2007 returns in excess of 100% some 2008 returns down 90%or more and peak to through returns again over 100%. In general there are three subsegment of “alternative energy” investment solar energy, wind energy, and hybrid electic vehicles. Alternative energy sources which are renewable free and have a lower carbon emission than what we have how are wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and bio fuels. Each of these four segments involve very different technologies and investments concern.
   For example photovoltaic solar energy based on semi conductor processing and accordingly, benefits from steep cost reductions similar to those realized in the microprocessor industry larger scale higher module efficiency and improving processing technologies. Pv solar energy perhaps the only energy technology whose electicity generation cost could be reduce by half or over the next 5 years. Better and more efficient manufacturing process and new tecnologysush as advanced thin film solar cell is a good example of that helps to reduced industry cost.
   The economics of solar pv electricity are highly dependent and silicon pricing and even companies whose tecnologies are based on the materials are impacted by the balance of supply and demand in the silicon market. In addition because som companies cells on the open market, this create an irrational pricing environment.
In contrast , because wind power has been harnesser for over 100 years it undeliying technology is relatively stable. It economics prices of steel (the largest componant of a wind turbine) and select composites (used for blades) because current wind torbines are often in excess of 100 meter high logistics and a global of competitive advantage. These issues andothers were explored in a research report by Sanford Bernstein 

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