
Sunday, August 12, 2012

RE ACT OF 2008

                                                  RENEWABLE ENERGY ACT OF 2008
By: Dan-Can Madiclum

A years ago renewable energy resources is use for our daily life. It is one of the energy that one very useful and benefited. A years ago renewable energy resources is energy that comes from sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat or from natural resources or naturally replenished. almost 16% of final global energy consumption are comes from renewable energy resources with a 10%  that coming from traditional biomass that is mainly used to heating and 3.4% for hydroelectricity. And the other ones is new renewable, the small hydro modern biomass, geothermal, solar and bio-fuels that are accounted another 3% of growing rapidly.

Last 2008 the Philippine government made an republic act of renewable energy resources to accelerate the explorational developments of renewable energy  self reliance. This is to reduce the Philippines country dependence on terms on fossil fuels to minimize the Philippine country's exposure to price fluctuations adaptation of clean energy for able to mitigate climate change. The other one is to increases the utilization of earths renewable energy. By providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives. By the 10 years renewable energy resources also based by capacity by 100%  within the next 2009 to 2020. This renewable energy resources republic act of 2008 encourage the development or changes and utilization of renewable energy resources as the tools to reduce the harmful emissions and the thereby balance the goals of Philippines .economic growth and development with the protection in health and the environment. Renewable energy resources will establish the necessary mechanism or infrastructure to carry out mandates to specified in this act or the other existing countries law. And this act be shall establish the framework to accelerate  the advancement and development of renewable energy resources, and develop the strategist program to increases its utilization.

This Philippine Republic Act Of Renewable Energy mission to be the most wind energy producer in the south east Asia by additional 515 MW. To increases the non power contribution of renewable resources to the energy mixby 10 MMBFOE in the next 10 years. Another is to be most geothermal energy  world producer by additional 11070 MW. To double hydro by 2018 by additional 3,400 MW. To expand the contribution of solar by additional 120 MW and biomass by addional 200 MW.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Renewable energy

Abundance of renewable energy
By: Noeme Dulay
      Most of us already know that there are lots of renewable energies in this earth. In different countries including Philippines. But does everyone knoe its abundance here in Philippines? These energies that give us the ability to do work? These energies that enable us to live our lives easier everday? But before we inform you about the abundance of renewable energies in the Philippines, let us first enumerate some different types of renewable energies. First, we have the solar, bioenergy, hydroelectric power, hydroge, geothermal and ocean energy
     Sun is one great source of energy. It doesn’t only givesus heat and vitamin D needed for our body. Sun is the unlimited source of solar energy. And this solar energy is very useful because it generates electicity which we use for lighting our school, offices, malls, and most importanly our very own homes. We are very much abundant in means of source of solar energy, especially that the Philippines belongs to the tropical countries where rays of the sun are near. All we need to do is use this energy properly
    As well as the solar energy, biomass can also be used to produce electricity. biomass is the organic matter yhat makes up the plants. It can also be used for transportation fuels or chemicals. Bioenergy is the use of biomass for any of these purposes. And as we all know, Philippines has very good and wide land and good soil for planting tress and different  herbs and plants. Philippines must be very abundant with this energy but nowadays. Some of the agricultural lands are converting into industrial lands housing and subdivisions
    Hydrogen is also a type of renewable energy. It is abundant because it can also be found in many organic compounds as well as water. Hydrogen is considered to be the most abundant element on the earth. But hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally as a gas. As always, it is combined with other element, such as oxygen to make water. And once hydrogen is seperated from other element it is converted into electricity or can be lourned as a fuels
   Sun’s heat also drives the wind, whose energy is captured with wind turbine. The wind and sun’s heat cause water evaporate. And when this water vapor turns into rain or snow then flows downhill into rivers or streams its energy can be captured using hydroelectric power. And this is used to generate electicity
    But not all renewable energy resources come from the sun. unlike the solar energy and bioenergy, geothermal energy taps the earth’s internal heat for different uses. It includes the electric power production and the heating and cooling the buildings. The gravitational pull of the moon and the sun upon the earth causes the energy of the oceans tides
   And lastly the ocean energy. Well in fact ocean energy comes from a number os sources. In addition to tidal energy. There’s the energy of the oceans waves, which are driven by both the tides and the winds. The sun also has a contribution. It warms the surfaces of the ocean more than the ocean depths, which creats the tempreture a difference that can be used as an energy sourcr. All these forms of ocean energy can be used to produced electricity and the Philippines is very important when it comes to this energy because we all know that Philippines is sorrounded by water
      See? Philippines is very abundant to renewable energy because there are lots of energy resources at the place. But as you notice, there are still parts ao the country that has no electricity. It is because the wrong of the energy resouces.

Renewable energy vs. Non-renewable energy
By: Yella Marie Abiva
   When we talk about renewable energy it is the energy that comes from wind, tides, sunlight, geothermal and rain. What about non-renewable energy and what is the use of these energy? That’s the question that enters my mind. So let’s find out what is it.
    The renewable energy is the energy which are renewable or naturally replenished. It is about 16%  global energy consumption comes from renewable. New renewable are accounted for another 3%and are growing rapidl. Many renewable ere large scale, renewable 0technologies also suited in rural and renote areas, where energy is ancial in human development. The united nations secretary-general Ki-Moon said that the renewable energy has the ability to lift a poorest nations to a new level of prosperity. We use electicity in our daily work. W cook food, we ioning our clothes. The electicity is one example of renewable energy. It is more-efficient in our lives because it can make our work easier and more faster
     The non-renewable energy which are not used by sunlight, rain or geothermal. Example of the non-renewable resources a resources connot be generated, reproduce or use in scale. The example of non renewable resources are fossil fuel, nuclear power, nuclear fuel, radioactive and metals. Metals is the prime example of non-renewable resources. Fossil fuels a natural resources like coal petroleum and natural gas. Nuclear power or uraniumis used for production of the nuclear weapon to create electricity.
     Nuclear fuel produces carbon dioxide emissions to production and construction. Nuclear decommissioning and management of the nuclear wants these action can produce carbon emission contributing significantly to the global warming.
      The nuclear fuel and radioactive is used for the nuclear industry to collecta highly hazardous to the people and wild life.
      The renewable energy and non renewable energy are beneficial to us. The 2 energy can help us to our daily lives and to our work. It can help us also to our environment if we take care and use it in a nice way so that we can save energy.
   So be alive, alert, awakeand enthusiastics to save energy.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Boon or Bane
By:Ma Leeyan Dasmarinas

      Did you know that renewable energy is an energy which comes from our natural resources. Air, wind, fire and water are the main example of renewable energy that may of us get benefits on it. But did you know that someof us doesn’t know what it is, some of us doesn’t know how it is important and some of us doesn’t know how to handle and use it properly.
       There so many advantages and disadvantages of renewablw energy that we must follow in order to get rid of this. But disadvantages and advantages of renewable energy is hard o explain, tell, and show it is because of people who doesn’t know of this, doesn’t how to give importance and give praiority of the renewable energy.
       One of the major advantage of renewable energy is that renewable energy is sustainable and will never run out. We can use them as much as we can, as long as we require, and as long as we want and need with no tension or worry at all.since all of them are naturally source we can use it as far as nature permits us till the time we need, so we will always have them. Since they are naturally sourced they will mix up with the nature automatically without affecting anyting. Does renewable energy harmed to the environment? No!! because unlike regular energy sourced they do not spread out green house affect or harmed the green house effect that wiil led to any disasters. Renewable energy sources consist of solar, wind geothermal, and ocean biomass. The advantage of this is that they are renewable and connot depleted. They are cleaned energy they don’t poolute the air and don’t contribute to global warming, green house effect and other calamities may happen. And more importantly . renewable energy produces little or small amount of waste procucts sush as carbon dioxide or other chemical pollutants and has minimal impact or the environment. Renewable energy can also ring economic local employment or tourism that many people benefits on this. This can help the community or country attain sustainability, slowly and tradional generators. These sources need sun, rainfull, and wind to be fully potencial and in case they are not available the sources cannot work on. The earth stock of contemporary energy sources is narrowing everyday. One example is when you are driving newly built cars or motors improved by tecnologies we are also consuming our last share of fuels. Base on my research our earth may have only half of century of oil left it is the existing rate of consumption ais calculated. It is easy to recognized the environmental advantages and renewable energy but we must also be aware of what happen if we ignore the disadvantages of this
         One of the main disadvantages of renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate  the quantities of the electicity that are as large as those produced by traditional generators. This has prevented to higher penetration of clean energy compared to non-renewable sources of energy and base on my research the disadvantages of renewable energy may be vanished someday and  it will be free to use our renewale energy

Replacement for Non-Renewable energy
By:Danilo Villaruz
Over the last three years publicly traded alternativeenergy have been very rolatile with some 2007 returns in excess of 100% some 2008 returns down 90%or more and peak to through returns again over 100%. In general there are three subsegment of “alternative energy” investment solar energy, wind energy, and hybrid electic vehicles. Alternative energy sources which are renewable free and have a lower carbon emission than what we have how are wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and bio fuels. Each of these four segments involve very different technologies and investments concern.
   For example photovoltaic solar energy based on semi conductor processing and accordingly, benefits from steep cost reductions similar to those realized in the microprocessor industry larger scale higher module efficiency and improving processing technologies. Pv solar energy perhaps the only energy technology whose electicity generation cost could be reduce by half or over the next 5 years. Better and more efficient manufacturing process and new tecnologysush as advanced thin film solar cell is a good example of that helps to reduced industry cost.
   The economics of solar pv electricity are highly dependent and silicon pricing and even companies whose tecnologies are based on the materials are impacted by the balance of supply and demand in the silicon market. In addition because som companies cells on the open market, this create an irrational pricing environment.
In contrast , because wind power has been harnesser for over 100 years it undeliying technology is relatively stable. It economics prices of steel (the largest componant of a wind turbine) and select composites (used for blades) because current wind torbines are often in excess of 100 meter high logistics and a global of competitive advantage. These issues andothers were explored in a research report by Sanford Bernstein